hi all.  hope everything ii am s dookin' fine.this question is real simple
, and hoping that someone wil write back real quick to help me.  Ok, i
offered to babysit ferrets that were in need for a little while.  And after
a long wait, i finally got an offer i couldn't refuse (if you only knew how
much i love those little fuzz butts..what am i saying, you probably love
them all just as much as i do!).i am getting 2 fuzzies, don't know how old,
or what they look like yet.i also have 2 of my own, one who i just got not
too long ago.  my worry is getting them all together for play time.i know
one of them (bianca) would not and will not play with them, as she was a
solitaire ferret for 6 years, but my new "addition" i got as a baby and she
was playful with other siblings.  so i guess my question is: should i let
my younger one play with the fuzzies that are coming in?  if not, that
would mean that i would have to have either a genetic clone(don't we all
wish) or have 3 different playtimes, one for each fuzz (or group of ).
i guess i vcan let them play together (except bianca), presuming they are
all to date with their shots.
will i be doing the good thing?  any ideas?  any comments?  feel free to
write to me directly, as by the time this will be published, i will have
ahd them already.you can also post on the fml if wanted afterwards
thanks in advance
[Posted in FML issue 2979]