Hi all
Well da search continues but with no luck.  So I am going to take a
suggestion and maybe get a Ferret Detective to ferret out the location of
my nightgown.  I looked up da location of Bear and Grindel on da puter
thing.  They were loungeing in da Hammock Haven.  So I went over there I
talked to them a while about it and also dat their mommy had told me to
look them up.  She said dat they were pretty good at dat sort of thing.
I told them dat she missed them and they said dat they missed her too and
send their luv.  We struck a deal.  Two cheweasels and they would look into
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Splash.  I gave her da
look around da place.  She said dat she wasn't interested in da treats they
had here.  I said what waz she interested in.  She said Baby Food.  I said
what is dat.  She explained what it waz and I said dat sounds pretty good.
I told her dat I would see what I can do.  She said to tell her mommy dat
she luved her and she feels bunches better here.  Also to send lots of hugs
and kisses.
Memo to da boss: A ferret is not happy again.  She is interested in Baby
Food and we don't have it.  When can we get it.  It will be named da Baby
Food Balcony and stock all flavors.  Can you help boss.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2979]