I took the ferrets to the vet tonight for their distemper shot.  Before I
could get the ferrets out of their carrier back home (we live two miles
away), I heard one of them vomiting.  It was Templeton--he's our deaf
blaze.  I got the others in their cage, came back for Templeton (who had
thrown up a few more times and had a bottle brush tail), and took him right
back to the vet.
When I got there, the vet was busy with a lady and her sick cat (he's the
only one there tonight, no help).  I took Templeton out of the carrier
(he'd had some runny diarrhea and more vomiting during the drive) and
waited with Templeton in the waiting room for about five minutes before the
vet came out to the waiting room.  During this time Templeton was pretty
limp and was feeling a little cool.  He just lay in my arms.  I told the
vet that Templeton had a reaction to the shot.  He was surprised - first,
that there'd been a reaction at all (the most reaction he's seen personally
is a little grogginess for 24 hours), but also how soon.  It was 7:45 by
this time - the shots were given probably around 7:20, but it could've been
later.  He had me take him right back to the examining room, where he
checked his temperature.  While he was taking the temp, Templeton's sides
were heaving like he was going to throw up again.  When the vet withdrew
the thermometer, there was a bloody, watery puddle.  He went in the next
room (probably to check the temp and get some med), came back and gave him
a shot of something, and left for a minute.  Templeton passed another small
puddle of bloody liquid, and wanted to go into the carrier.  The vet came
back and took Templeton out of the carrier and said he was keeping him
overnight so he could keep an eye on him. :(
Back out in the waiting room, he said 9 out of 10 times there's no reaction
at all, but once in a while, there is a reaction.  Once in a while, ferrets
do die from a reaction.  He said this was a pretty severe reaction. :(
I'm to call him when they open at 9 in the morning (it won't come soon
enough!) to see if he's okay.  I'm just in shock because none of the
ferrets have ever had a reaction to their shots.  It would be awful to lose
Templeton over something like this.  Even worse than the fact that I might
lose Templeton: I can't help thinking that he's alone, in a cage by himself
in a strange place.  The vet better be doing just what he said: keeping an
eye on him tonight.  He better not be leaving the office at 9 (or whenever)
for home, leaving Templeton at the office, and coming back in the morning
to check on him!  If Templeton's going to die anyway, I'd just as soon be
holding him right now, comforting him and holding him so he knows he's
loved.  It would be bad enough to lose him, but worse to have him die
alone.  I've got tears streaming down my face as I type this... It's
already been about an hour since I left him - is he alone right now, or has
the vet taken him home to keep an eye on him?  I wish I knew how he was
doing!  It's an eternity until 9 in the morning.....
I'll post tomorrow with an update.  I sure hope it's not a sad post.
Debbie, Becky and the fab foursome: Brae, Templeton, Sally and Phoebe
I just called the vet to see if I could get an update on Templeton.  When
he left the office about ten minutes ago, Templeton was fine, but he's
going back about 11 to check on him.
Debbie, Becky, and the fab foursome: Brae, Templeton, Sally and Phoebe
[Posted in FML issue 3006]