Lisette wrote,
>"Do you think it is possible to organize "show spies" to take names,
>pictures, or videos of ferret abuse at the ferret shows ?  I will help."
Just an opinion here, but I really, really REALLY would prefer not to see a
revival of show sleuth on the FML.  I read this list for the positive
anecdotes about ferrets, to gain opinions on matters I am not experienced
enough to judge, and to keep in contact with other ferret lovers.  There
are already a lot of politics circulating that, I suspect, are just barely
allowed by our kindly moderator, most of which I skim completely.  Perhaps
an undercover tattle to prevent ferret abuse is a good idea -- but I DO NOT
think he/she should report to the FML.  This is neither the forum, nor the
audience for such, particularly since many of us have never met in person.
[Posted in FML issue 3006]