Dooks to all the furkids, Meow to the fer-kats, and hello to their hiiman
slaves !!
Finally downloaded some of the pics from Randy's ([log in to unmask])
site.  OMG !!  Some of the pics are priceless.  I showed them to some
friends and "oooo, ahhhh, sooooo kute ....' could be heard for a while.
I was kinda disappointed that more pics didn't have the ferts names or the
owner listed on it.  Woulda been nice to say, "Oh!  So THATS so-an-so's
carpet shark".  Well, we kinda put a few together (small file) and sent
them in.  Of course, my kids wanted the WORLD to know who they are.  They
made me put "Way Kewl Kritter Crew" on each one.
Again, some beautiful kids - check them out at:
Warm Fuzzies !!!
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Kritter Crew
~Simon~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Cuddles~Java~Miss Priss~Cinna~Racer~Patch~
Mist the Fer-Kat
Guardian Fur-Angels -
~Furrice~Lady~Zeus~Rascal~Socks~Muttley~Dookesbury~Little Boy~
Missing our friends - Kimo the Sumo Cat (and Honorary Fert) and fellow
ferts ~Petey~, ~Nibbler~, ~Max~, ~Romeo~, ~Bandit~, and the other ~Romeo~
Saying "Hey!" to ~Pandora~, ~Noser~ and the rest of the Tennessee Brat
Pack !!
Please see KITY=^..^=KAT's Fur Faces, Memorial for Zeus
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us.  Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 2978]