>At any rate, now I'm really distressed, because Totally Ferret may be
>great for them but costs a whopping $18 for a 5 lb bag!  This compared
>to $6.88 for a 5 lb bag of Iams kitten at the grocery store.
> -Tasha
What you say about TF costing more is very true.  But there are a couple
of things that make it well worth the price difference.  I switched over
a year ago and don't regret it at all.
1. More of the food is metabolized by the fuzzies, so there is less waste.
2. More of the food is metabolized by the fuzzies, so they eat less to get
   the nutrients.
The difference in price has pretty much evened out for us...
Fuzzie Dad
Sampson, Rainbow & Squeeky
Never forgetting Loki & Spaz!
[Posted in FML issue 3005]