Dear members of FML
Do you think it is possible to organize "show spies" to take names,
pictures, or videos of ferret abuse at the ferret shows ?  I will help.
I have had an abundance of e-mails just this morning on people who have
seen ferret abuse at ferret expos: twisting necks and screaming, throwing
ferrets in the air over concrete floors, slapping ferrets in the face.
I do not show ferrets, or know anything about politics between breeders and
this AFA.  But first of all, AFA needs to know that there appears to be a
problem of ferret abuse permitted at shows by one or more AFA officials at
times.  Maybe this AFA group could define abuse clearly to change their
current apparent policy of looking the other way, and belittling people
reporting abuse at shows.  {Let me be clear-I have no idea what AFA policy
is concerning this kind of thing.I know nothing about this group}
Secondly, those that wrote me and Kathy-the original writer on this
topic-might want to contact Big with the names of the officials that chose
to condone the alleged ferret abuse.Or give him the name of the breeder or
breeders.I do not know what Big would think of that.  He may have a much
better idea.  Or one of you may.
Thirdly,it appears that we need to police our ferret community at therse
I can do a show around here if someone will fill me in on where I should
be looking.  I can bring a camera, a tape recorder, and a witness.  Why
be secretive??  I would be willing to wear a uniform and pin with
identification and hand out flyers.
Does anyone NOT think this is a good idea?  It is important that people are
held accountable for their actions.  It is important to all of us that love
ferrets-that the AFA or any group sanctioning ferret shows understand that
condoning ferret abuse and laughing at ferret abuse and belittling people
reporting ferret abuse---as has been written here- will not be tolerated.
Remember Show Sleuth??  I liked this person.  He went to various shows to
observe conditions and report them to us.  He was open to suggestions, and
tried his best to be fair in analyzing what he saw.
Maybe-for the sake of God knows how many ferrets lives-we honestly need to
have people acting as ferret aid personel.  If people are abusing animals
in the open like this-how many other animals ae they abusing ??  When is
this kind of behavior---smacking a small animal in the face and pulling its
whiskers-EVER to be allowed at a ferret show?????
Feel free to disagree.  This is all new to me.  I just want to stop ferret
abuse where and when I can.
[Posted in FML issue 3005]