I have been meaning to post an up-date, much earlier than this, but you
can't imagine how hectic this last couple of weeks have been.  Trips to the
vet, extra feedings and a full time job.  Not to mention the added stress,
worrying about Mitzy.  However, I love them more than life itself and will
do anything in the world for them.  One morning I even forgot to take my
insulin, because the kids and their needs come first.  Fortunately, I
didn't suffer any ill effects from the forgotten insulin.  I still can't
believe I forgot it.  For goodness sakes, don't anyone tell my doctor.
Mitzy is doing very well.  I am most pleased with her progress.  A week ago
Tues, she had the drain taken out and along with it came a very long string
of really thick, yucky goo.  The vet flushed the drain area with saline and
peroxide and applied some polysporin.  For several days after that I was to
continue cleaning the area with peroxide and apply the polysporin, which I
did and the area has healed very nicely.  The patology report stated that,
they think it started as a severe throat infection, that travelled up and
settled behind the eye, and they called it a retro-bulbar abcess.  There
was no sign of any cancer cells, which was my biggest fear.  That means I
can peel myself from the ceiling and start to relax a little.
Mitzy is adjusting very well.  She is jumping from the couch to the coffee
table and back again, with her usual ease and grace.  One day the coffee
table was farther away than usual.  I saw her getting ready to jump and I
thought she would never make it.  Before I could do anything to try and
stop her she made the jump with no problem and then she looked at me like I
had no faith in her abilities! <G>  She did seem a little depressed to me,
so I put her back into her normal cage with her cage mates.  I usually keep
them in the "hospital cage" at least until the stitches come out, but her
cage mates are all older and much calmer, so I made an exception.  She
seems much happier and spunkier.  She goes tomorrow to get the her stitches
For now, we have another emergency behind us.  I thank God for my vet.  She
is an angel and I really don't know what we would do without her.
The support I received from the FML is truly heart warming.  It's nice to
know there are folks out there who care and actually understand what we go
through when one of our ferrets is ill.  Some people don't understand why
we do what we do for them.  After all....they are only pets.  I received
many notes of support, concern and prayers for our Mitzy.  You will never
know how very much each note meant to me.
Sally St. Germain and her 12 "Little Saint."
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3005]