thanks to all who mailed me in advance of widget's surgery.  She went in
for it yesterday (she had this huge black with blood vessels tumor on her
tail, about an inch down from her behind).  Dr. Schiff was going to try to
just remove the tumor and keep the tail.  He did and reported that it was a
black cyst of some kind and he's sending it out for biopsy.  When she woke
up fully, she ripped open the wound, tearing up the liquid skin that he put
on to try to save the tail.  We decided there was no point in keeping her
tail if she's just going to keep ripping it open, so he bobbed it.  She's
fine, just looks a little silly.
again, thanks to all.  and I'll report when we get the biopsy what it was
[Posted in FML issue 3004]