Hey guys!  hope everyone's doing well..  i must agree..this IS extreme and
abusive..however i have to also state that, it was incredibly wrong and
unprofessional of the AFA delegate (or whatever she was.. TA ..i dunno) to
point you out while confronting this lady, Which by the sounds of it..she
only fueled the power by saying it was acceptable and supporting her.  The
TA and other delegates are there to protect the ferrets and YOU from this
sort of abuse and other matters at the shows.  IF i'm wrong about this..
then i would like to know because i would NEVER show my support by going to
anything AFA sanctioned EVER.  They are hired and there to look into any
matter that is brought to their attention and NOT sluff it off... it seems
many creulty cases in this world are over looked by ignorant people or
friends of these people.  I have to wonder if this TA also does this to her
ferrets as well..  only people of the same mind would find the same act of
cruelty "OK" and it's NOT!!  cruelty is NEVER ok and i think that kathy
should write to The AFA (i'm sure they have a board or somthing...i'm
rather AFA illiterate) and tell them the callous brush off she got when
reporting what she (and obviously many others of us) thought to be cruelty.
have a great day
[Posted in FML issue 3004]