Anon wrote:
>He charges about $150 per ferret.  On top of that, he is now getting
>$400+ for angora ferrets(per ferret).
About right..I have seen ferrets in pet stores go from $75.00 to
$150.00.  Angora ferrets have always been up around $400.00.
>My husband and I went into his store once and bought a tube of
>petromalt, a bottle of ferretone, and a small toy for a... total of $45.
I find this sorta hard to buy.  Tube of Petromalt, $10.00, Large bottle of
Ferretone, $15.00 (A in Reno it is $9.95).  The ball must have
been one special ball.  If not, I would suggest you go back and have him
recheck the amount..a mistake has to have been made.
MC, The Rude One
(With Garret, Snorkle, and Tuzigoot.  In spirit, Bubba and Billy-Bob)
[Posted in FML issue 2978]