Condolences to those with sick, missing or angel-type ferrets.
Favorite toys for the Rodeo Clowns:
Fuzzer:  Jingle Balls (plastic "lattice" balls with bells inside),
         plastic bags
Add-A-Kiss:  Anything on the coffee table, plastic bags
Stuffy:  Mc Donald's kid's-meal toys, plastic bags, Ziggy, cardboard tubes
Ziggy:   Small basketballs, imaginary dragons, plastic bags
Smokey:  Electronics (remotes, cell phones, cordless phones), plastic bags
Rusti:   Cardboard tubes, plastic bags, the cat
Hershey: The cat, anything not nailed down, some things that *are* nailed
         down, any other ferret, the cat, plastic bags, Ferretvite tubes,
         pens, pencils, the cat, computer mice, unsupervised tails, stuffed
         toys, the cat, Bandits Treats boxes, the cat's fleece bed, the
         Totally Ferret food dish (full or otherwise), litter in the litter
         box, the cat, sodas in the fridge, silverware (especially if
         it's in a bowl or dish of human food!), the cat, the newspaper
         (especially when it's being read), keys, toys that any other
         ferret is currently playing with, dirty laundry, phone cords
         (the curly ones from the phone to the hand-set)...and...did I
         mention...the cat?  :)
Taz:  "Fish" toy, hemp mouse, Bandits Treats box, my feet, my ears, plastic
      bags, the cat.  He also likes carpet snorkling...he sticks his nose
      under a runner carpet (a strip of carpet laid out over regular carpet
      to reduce wear) and makes tunnels! :)
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2978]