Yesterday was so nice that we took our 7 month old ferret, Accolon, out to
the park.  We've gone to another park before, but this one was on a fairly
busy road.  As we were walking back to the car, Ack all of a sudden started
running like a madman towards the road.  At first I thought he was running
towards some people, then I thought it was because of a tree nearby, and
then when we came close to the sidewalk, I realized he was trying to chase
after the cars passing by!
Now, I know ferrets don't have very good eyesight, so I'm assuming that it
was the sound that attracted him from that far away.  But once we got to
the sidewalk, he was following them with his eyes pretty accurately, so I
don't know if he could see them (they were still about 10-20 feet away).
Well, we thought this was the cutest thing, so my fiance walked on the
sidewalk to catch him if he slipped out of his harness and I walked in the
grass, with Ack in between us.  It was so adorable to see him perk up when
he heard a car coming, then try his best to run after it as it passed.
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the FLO..  I've been noticing
some strange behavior in him lately, like a sudden interest in the remote
controls and the vacuum.  Perhaps he was trying to find transportation to
bring the weapon he's building from remotes and vacuums to some meeting.
I suggest you all keep an eye out when bringing your ferrets in the car
that they don't try to sneak a remote control or some plutonium along.
- Rachel, Doug, and Accolon
[Posted in FML issue 3003]