It seems the ferret community really pulled together to get "Dr. Klein" to
make some changes to his web page.  He's not there yet, but way to go to
everyone who got involved.  I started looking at some of his sources, at
was surprised to learn the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
does not recommend ferrets as pets!
In their "Selecting a pet" section
they classify ferrets as exotic animals, and say "Exotic animals and
wildlife (skunks, chimpanzees, poisonous snakes, raccoons, etc.) do not
make good pets.  They can be dangerous." The actual paragraph on ferrets
is more neutral, but not at all positive.
For a truly negative article, check out the Public Health Veterinarian
Coalition Committee(PHVCC) Year 2000 Action Plan at
Scroll down a little more than halfway to: Position on Ferrets, Developed
by The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists and The National
Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.
No wonder Dr. Klein has an anti-ferret bias--so do these vet associations.
We have a long way to go.
The Beach Boyz*
surf on over to
Californians for Ferret Legalization:
Get & use the CFL Wanted poster:
[Posted in FML issue 2978]