Woohooo!  I'm gettin' a new cage!  Actually, I'm just getting a bigger
addition to the one I have.  My little brother (who lives about fifteen
miles into the country with my parents) was being a typical eighteen year
old on a Satuday night last week.  He was in town with friends, got a
little too tipsy to drive home and decided to spend the night in town with
me, per my instructions earlier in the week.  Unfortunately, I wasn't home
when he called to tell my dad he was staying in town (who would have had a
cow if Mike had told him he was drunk) and told him the only thing he could
think of, that we were working together on a ferret cage.  So now he has to
follow through!
Second, the weather here has been beautiful, and the babies have spent the
last few days getting to know the kids next door, who are surprisingly
adept with them.  My three are used to my sister's kids, but they seemed
to like playing witht he little boy next door, too.  I can just see them
scratching at my neighbor's door, "Can Damon come out and play?"
[Posted in FML issue 3001]