Been a while.  The furry four are doing great.  War dancing to their hearts
content.  They have their own room now and have gotten quite spoiled.
Cody, our biggest male, developed a lump on his belly that looked amazingly
like a wart.  It has the same feel and texture as well.  It looked like
he'd rubbed it against something rough so we were putting some glop on it
and it healed though didn't disappear.  It hasn't gotten any larger or
smaller, but suddenly it looks more like a blood blister.  He has just as
much energy, eats and drinks fine.  The others don't show any signs of any
lumps or bumps at all.
Needless to say, he will be going to the vet soon.  I'm just wondering if
anyone else out there as seen or dealt with this.  Thanks.
Sasha (I'm the adorable one)
Trixie (I can fly!)
Noah (listen yunguns)
Cody (don't put the glop on the bump, *I* want it! yum)
[Posted in FML issue 3001]