Good Day all,
Prayers for all of you caretakers out there.
After posting about my bunny and bunny hell the other day.  I had this
dream that I moved, I mean we all moved, and my ferrets were reeking havoc
on the neighbourhood.  A little girl was crying about her lost bunny.  She
was so sad and sweet.  I immediately knew what happen but ,didn't say.
Well , I go on the hunt for her pet so I can hide the evidence to protect
my babies.  The 1st thing I find is a dead squirrel at my door w/ a happy
ferret looking up, Hey, Mom look what I brought you.:)  I then find another
dead animal ( rat or something to the like).  by this time I decided I need
a shovel, there are so many little dead things around.  So I proceed to
walk around the complex picking up little dead things with my shovel.
Thinking my what little killers I have.
I then find the bunny sort of crying but, still dead and another little
bunny lost to the kill.  The ferrets were running around in and out of
bushes keeping up the chase for a new prey.
I proceeded to dump the dead and wounded in the dumpster.  I know not very
thoughtful of me was it !  It's not the way I would really do it.  It was
a dream.
I woke up thinking damn ! I will never get another rabbit !
I really feel for the lady ( Dawn I believe ) with the depressed ferret.
I personally think that ferrets are very sensitive and family oriented.
I also, think one big reason ( one in many ) they have so many health
problems can be because of this.  In the holistic community cancer is
considered a disease of despair.  I believe it is the same w/ animals as w/
people.  ((Don't hit/flame me w/ any AMA Bull S about cancer.  I've heard
it and I don't want/need to hear it again.)
If it was me.  I would invite the lady that gave the ferret to you over to
your home.  Maybe, she could come over once a week or so until he realizes
that it is ok and safe.
Also, the Bach flower remedies might help you with this problem.  If you
don't know how to get them email me and I'll send you a link to a site.
Any thing you can do to make him feel more at home.  Ask her for some
towels or bedding that has the smell of his old home on them.
I wish you the best of luck, I took in 3 little ones about 6 months ago,
they were cool but, they have just started acting like they like me for
more than food.  I thought several times about giving them away ;we just
were not clicking.  I was their 3rd home in the past year.  It is still
not like my little girl Wheezie & I but, I love the little buddies.  I'm
glad I waited.
* As for the rabbit joke some one apologized for.( I thought it was pretty
funny)  Don't worry about bad taste.  I've always heard you have to soak
them in milk 1st anyway.
* After hearing all of the collar post.  You can forget it.  I'm not going
the collar route.  I figured it was a bad idea anyway.
Well, that's all for today. Thank you all for being there.
Keep sending the wonderful photos for the screen saver.  I'm about the
change it and add several little photos together so there will be more on
a page.
A FML a day keeps the red eye away.
Annee ( Randys wife, too lazy to use her on email to send post)
Wheezer ( Princess of the whole house & I love dog biscuits)
Livia ( No ! I'm the princess and I'll prove it too !  I love beanie
Coco ( The angelic one )  I love empty plastic soda bottles.
Noah ( Hey, I'm the Man.) I love food food food ...
[Posted in FML issue 3000]