Well, to celebrate the 3000th issue, I figured today would be a good day
to ostart my weekly contest featured on my webpage:
This coming week's contest involves translating ferret movie titles like
Ferretheart to human speak (answer would be Braveheart).  Everyone who gets
all of them correct will be entered into a drawing to win a free homemade
jingly ball.
Next week's will be putting TV show names back together after Accolon
shredded them apart.  The week after will be a crossword with ferret stuff,
and I think the week after that might be a word search.
It's not that difficult to get entered, so stop on by.  The URL is again:
members.aol.com/Raidra/ferret.htm.  Just scroll down until you see the link
to the contest. : )
- Rachel, Doug, and Accolon
[Posted in FML issue 3000]