Thanks very much to everyone who had a conversation with my artificial
Tesseract.  I realize that, for most of you, her answers had nothing to
do what what you asked, but I can use your conversations as a basis for
teaching her to respond more appropriately to a wide variety of questions.
Just so you know, she can't handle British spelling very well; when someone
asked her what "colour" she was--a question she normally knows how to
answer--she talked about the electromagnetic spectrum instead of her coat
color. :-)  And she's not really five years old.  For some reason, I can't
convince the program to override that one.  She's only one.  She should be
slowly getting better.  I wish the algorithm she uses to decide what to say
was a better one, but she's not a neural net or anything, so it'll be a
while.  I also wish her original teachers had had decent spelling and
grammar. :-)
If you have suggestions for things she should be able to talk about, or
questions she should be able to answer, feel free to email me with them--
I'd appreciate it!--or head over and talk to her and see if she responds
at all appropriately.
Thanks again for helping me with this project.
Jen and the Crazy Business
[Posted in FML issue 2999]