Hi All!
Ming Jou spent an uneventful evening and night with me.  We went to the
vet's this morning and proceeded w/barium.  The x-rays showed the barium
passing through her GIT in reasonable time.
Thankfully they found no evidence of an obstruction or GIT foreign body.
They are, however, a little concerned about one dilated area but feel that
this is a normal colon.  So, what happened?  Good question.  It could be
inflammatory bowel disease, possibly a dietary, viral, bacterial or
metabolic probleme.  If she goes downhill they will do blood work.
She is home w/me now.  I am supposed to offer her her food (mix of Totally
Ferret, Sheppard & Green, 8 in 1 Ultimate).  I can also give her laxatone,
nutrical, duck soup, Bob C's chicken gravy, her salmon and herring treats -
basically anything she can properly digest.
They prescribed Amocxicillan 0.4 ml orally twice a day.  Ming Jou has had
this b4 and really likes it.  They also administered another 35ml of sub-q
right b4 we came home.
Thank you everyone for the emails and phone calls of advice and support.
It is much appreciated.
Take care,
Lynn and Ming Jou.
[Posted in FML issue 2999]