>From:    Randall Duke <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: photos/collars/ sad rabbit story/hunter ferrets ?
>I would like to know how many people have the little collars w/ bells for
>their ferrets.... I have two concerns.
>1. I know that they will drive them crazy at 1st.
>2. I would think that they would actually be dangerous.
I have wonderful friend who made my guys the best collars with bells for
the shelter.  They are made of baby elastic 1/4 inch you can get it at any
place that sells sewing stuff, small jump rings they look like little
spirals, they are in the craft department.  She cuts the elastic to the
size of the ferret, puts the bells on the loops then the loop on the
elastic and sews the ends together.
elastic 1yard under a dollar
bag of 10 bells a dollar
bag of jump rings 1.50
I get this all at Wal-mart, you can make a lot of collars.  I like them
because if they get hung on anything they just come off.  They are light
and thin so even the older ferrets we get in the shelter who have never
had on a collar don't mind.
My friend has a web page called SouthWest Ferret Designs.  She makes and
sells custom made ferret bedding and anything a ferret lover needs.  I only
use her bedding here at the shelter.  I had a six pound German Bullhead who
could destroy any hammock or bag in a matter of days.  He was so big and
heavy in a week I had to buy him a new one.  She came up with a BIG BOY
hammock so strong that he never did wear it out!!!!!  She will make the
collars for you if you want.  So take a look at her web site.  Also all
sells benefit the shelters that she helps with.So go visit!!!!!!
Hope this helps
Eydie Fox
Ferrets First of NM
[Posted in FML issue 2999]