Last night, I had to wake up my ferret Bean twice because she was making
strange noises in her sleep.  I'm not really sure how to describe it, sort
of a wimpering / wheezing sort of noise.  And she wouldn't wake up while I
was calling her name or petting her in her hammie (she normally hates to be
held and petted...too much else to do!) The only way I could wake her up
was to pick her up.  I walked around holding her for a while both times,
with no resistance from her, which is pretty unusual.  Although, it could
have been just because I just woke her up.  ??  She stopped making the
noise after I woke her up.
She is a Triple F sable, she is 2 months shy of 2 years old, no medical
problems, so far, eating, playing, pooping normally.  The only recent
"upset" she may have encountered is that her "daddy" moved out a little
over a month ago.  But neither she or my other little one, Daggett have
shown any signs of "missing" him (ie.  wandering around looking for him,
acting depressed...both had been behaving normally.)
I hope I'm just being paranoid and that my little girl is not sick.  Has
anyone seen this before?  Should I take her to the vet to be on the safe
side?  Even if it is just nightmares, I feel bad.  We've always treated
them very well..they are much loved and VERY spoiled.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Leslie, Bean and Daggett
[Posted in FML issue 2998]