Hello to everyone we are reporting in on our travels in the motorhome!!!
We have made it to Florida one and all.  Got out of New England just in
time, left Thrus.  last week and there was snow that night.  We drove in
rain and cold till we got to Ga.
The ferrets have all been just sweet things.  No one seems to be stressed
at all.  One thing we have discovered is they are eating better!!  You
know, not so many treats!  The food bowls are kept full of TF and I think
they are all putting on weight instead of loosing their winter weight.
We take them out for walks in the fresh air and also set the cages outside,
they all just love it.  Last night we were in Ga at the truck stop and
while walking a few of them the drivers would just look and look.  I know
that a lot of people haven't ever seen a ferret before.  The funniest thing
is when we are traveling down the road and a ferret may be running along
the top of the sofa or looking out the window while someone is passing.
Tomorrow we are off to Tampa to look at new motorhomes.  This should be
interesting as we are staying in the campground.  People always are
interested while in the campgrounds.
Everyone got to go into my grandson's play room today and boy what a time.
I have never seen so many boxes of toys in all my life.  I don't think the
ferrets have either.  Burglar made himself right to home and stole the
things he wanted to save and put them behind the TV, Ha Ha hope they find
Also, there is a new baby rabbit that Taz found interesting.  He is so tall
on his hide feet reaching up to see and then they touched noses through the
cage.  It was so cute.  Dipper had his turn to investigate too and all went
well.  Can you imagine ferrets and rabbits?  Guess this has gone on long
enough.  Will write again soon.
Love and Fuzzie Kisses
Burglar, Missitoo, Flower
Blossom, Nala, Sweetie
Taz, Freddie, Snowball
and Dipper
[Posted in FML issue 2998]