I had a rabbit who lived with ferrets for eight and a half years (before he
finally passed away from old age last summer .. sniff!  :-<)
They got along well, although they never were out together without CLOSE
supervision.  The rabbit (Waldorph) had been around ferrets since he was
nine weeks old.  He was comfortable around them, and I don't think their
presence "stressed" him at all.  If anything, he enjoyed the company.
Sometimes, when he was out "loose" and my ferrets were caged, he'd sit
right next to their cage, and sniff noses with them through the bars of the
cage. :->  Other times, my ferrets would visit him when he was caged, and
sniff noses and steal Waldorph's cheerios.
There are a couple of reasons not to let them out together without close
supervision, though.  For one thing, rabbits are REALLY strong (speaking
as one who was kicked numerous times by Waldorph!), and I'd be afraid that
an inadvertent (or intentional) kick from a rabbit could injure or kill a
Also, my ferrets always seemed to regard my rabbit as a great big, bouncy
ferret toy ..  and I was afraid that they would get too carried away and
injure or kill him if I left them alone together.  My Paddington Bear
ferret, for instance, also had really strong hunting instincts ..  and I
didn't trust him around Waldorph much at all.  (He was also the chief
culprit when it came to stealing Cheerios from Waldorph, too!!)
Hope that helps .. good luck with your bunny!
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2998]