I am no photographer, but I have been told my pics of my babies are
pretty...my pics are on the screen saver.  I have Ping and Pong and Rocky
(and sean).  My pics are the ones with my hubby kissing baby ferrets , the
"birth announcements" hehe, of ferrets in the snow, and of my son with
OK here we go;
* don't worry about a front or side view... angle views are actually better
  as they give the photo depth or a 3-d look
* my personal hint is to get in as close as possible to give it that
  postcard look... but others say it gives more depth to have a tree or
  toys in front of and behind the fert for 3-d effect and to show size,
  etc.  so try both.
* to personalize the photo, have a special toy or object in the photo (a
  favorite blankee, beanie, or maybe your ferret is attached to a puple
* Light.....there can NOT be enough LIGHT.  Open the dang windows all up
  wide, and turn on every light in the home.  I'd rather do this than use a
  flash.  If you now how to use a flash well did you know its good to use
  it even outside in daylight?
* take pics in the early to mid morning, or mid to late afternoon outside.
  Do not take pics at high noon...it leave the pic with no subtle shadows
  and therefore it comes out very flat.  Don't forget to keep the sun
  behind you.
* if you can, use speed film of 400.  anything higher and its way too
  grainy and colorless.  Anything lower and the fuzzies are more prone to
* use the fastest shutter speed your camera will allow since these guys
  can move in a flash (if you can not choose type of film or set speeds,
  use LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT to your advantage for clarity)
* The high cage idea is excellent.  I didn't know that.  I usually talk
  some poor souls into helping me and then try to do the photography in
  an enclosed area so they can't hide.
* think "unique"....  take pics in various places like bathtubs, cages,
  rice boxes, snow, grass, trees, with people, with other animals, with
  toys, with wierd things like candy wrappers, in baskets, in bed, on the
  tv, in the silverware drawer, etc.  Just try... the dumbest things come
  out cute.  Throw Moby Dick on the floor and take a picture of them
  "reading" it.  Sounds stupid, but hey... that is what makes a picture
  different from all the rest.
But most of all try.  Get rolls of film not "a" roll..  and go to town.  So
what if there is only a couple diamonds out of the bunch!  It's woooooorth
Da Wolfy
--I'm gonna kill em , hubby came home with a kit last week.  It's very
light chocolate, and full of it.  I am going nuts figuring out a name.
That makes 4.  I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd have this many.
I think hubby is ill.  BAAHAHAHAHA!
[Posted in FML issue 2998]