Dear FML friends,
Due to overwhelming personal problems I will no longer be reading the FML
every day.  It has been a part of my life for a few years now, and the
information, support and friendships I have found here have been precious
to me.  As I have been a compulsive reader of the FML it makes me very
anxious to know that I will be missing a lot, but I feel I have no choice.
Thank you all for everything, and special thanks to you, BIG, for doing
such a wonderful job with this.  I am not going to ask to be removed from
the mailing list since I hope to be able to find time a time or two a week
to take a quick peek.
Dooks to all,
Jenni (missing Rustle and Archie, looking askance at Wade and Lily)
[Posted in FML issue 2998]