Hi  Fellow Fuzzy Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!
Just saw a post on 3-21 FML regarding web sites for Proctor and Gamble.  My
jaw hit my keyboard!  P&G is one of the BIGGEST animal rights violators.
They do horrible things to all sorts of animals, and although I realize it
is a personal choice as to what products one buys, i have not supported P&G
with any of my money in over 10 years.  They blatently go on and on,
torturing and poisoning thousands of animals every year with unnessecary
tests.  If anyone does visit the web site, please do it to protest their
policies and proceedures.  Should you choose to not support them anymore,
please carefully read the backs of things you buy - from Pringles to Tide -
they have a dirty finger in just about every possible marketshare there is-
Sorry for the soapbox - there are just somethings that one has to feel
strongly about.
Thanks for  listening [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2998]