Howdy All!
Just wanted to let you all know that the mighty Bhor made it into San
Diego, on Sunday afternoon, saving me from "mowing the front yard."  The
sad note, here in SUNNY Southern California, 80 * weather, no one stays
home on Sunday afternoons.
Bob tried to call several people on his list, but wasn't able to make
contact, something to do with his cell phone service & anonymous call
blocks.  He ask me to let you all know, if you're expecting a call from him
and your phone has this type of block, he may not be able to get through.
Sorry <KA> I think he's headed further north.  Hopefully, he was able to
contact you again, before he left the area.  I look forward to meeting you
Well, it was late by the time Bob got here.  To late to cook Tacos, but I
promised when he heads this way again, I would make sure he gets his fill
of "HOME-MADE, REAL TACOS." No fast food fakes.
We, Chris, Gary (my SO), Me, the Closet Thieves and the Zoo, had a great
time with Bob.  He was such a kick!  Spanky found him very intriguing, but
a bit disappointed on missing out on the Taco feast; he nipped him on his
ear.  SnowFlake, who loves all men, fell in love, and had to wash his
eyebrows.  George, Gracie & Moose thought he was a great toy, but didn't
appreciate being examined.  Bob confirmed my inner feeling about George.  I
will be having him checked out with Dr. Linsley and see what's up with his
enlarged spleen.  SnowFlake, George & Gracie are about 4 years old, not 2
1/2.  The story, the places, his lovely family, bones, the laughs, and of
course ferrets filled the evening conversations.  Time just flew by, before
we knew it, it was almost midnight and it had also started to rain.
To avoid being turned into, a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight, Bob
As he was driving away in his red bomb, I heard music, in the air, an old
familiar tune.........."Rain drops keep falling on my head.........."
Stephanie & My Little Band Of Closet Thieves:
Spanky, Moose, SnowFlake, George & Gracie
And the Zoo: TAZ, Dara Nin, Snickers, Monkey Inside/Out Cat & 1 Line Dragon
 + Sam, Claudia, & Scarlett O'Ferret @ Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 2997]