Hello everyone,
I would like to thank everyone for the information and kind words they have
sent about Buddy and his lump.  But it is with a heavy heart that I post
for my third time to this list.  My sister and her boyfriend have lost
their 9 year old ferret, Stinkerbell.  She didn't show any signs of an
illness and unexpectedly passed on yesterday.  'Tinker was the sweetest
little ferret.  She had the daintiest whiskers and nose.  Her only major
health problem was a tumor on her tail that kept returning, even after
being removed.  The tail was amputated a few years ago.  'Tinker looked a
little silly at first, but it just added to her daintiness.  She loved to
sit on your shoulder and clean your ears.  She took great delight in
terrorizing two enormous dogs and two cats.  She loved racing around the
house with her cagemate, Beauregard.  He is now in a stupor, looking for
his dear friend.
Sandee, please look out for Stinker.  She is a very small ferret and we
don't want her to get lost.
If anyone has the time to send kind thoughts to Joanna and Chris
<[log in to unmask]>, I would be very grateful. Also, any
information on how to deal with Beauregard's depression would be helpful.
We are quite concerned for his health, he seems more than a little
depressed.  They are just heartbroken over this.  It was so unexpected.
We all thought Stinkerbell would live forever.
Hug your fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 2997]