We been there.  PYOBEN medicated shampoo, antimicrobial for dogs and cats
did the trick.  It contains BENZOYL PEROXIDE.  Mousse approves of his new
shiny tail.  Squirrel approves too, now he can see his reflection.
Squirrel needs counselling.
We read about this in a ferret mag (forget which one) and our vet ordered
it for us.  We could not find any shampoo containing that stuff in any
local stores.  Pharmacists just scratched their heads (maybe they should
try it).
TJ & Caroline & ratniki.
PS We use it only on the tail with a dunk and rub technique.  Have NOT
tried this on the whole critter.  It may be too strong for use on the
whole body.  We use it as needed: twice in almost 6 months.
[Posted in FML issue 2997]