Since I maintain our shelter's website, I get quite a few messages from
people wanting find a new home for their ferrets.  Our shelter is closed
to new surrenders, so we try to help place them as best possible.
Just this past week I have gotten requests from three different people in
this area that want to give up a total of seven ferrets.  I don't have the
full details on four of them, but have a pretty good history of the three
from one family.  All three are in good health, up to date on vaccinations
and going in this week for their annual checkup.  The owner never heard of
ECE, so it's ASSUMED they have never had it.  They've been raised with kids
and the family has cats that get along with them.  All are sables (they
said "brown"), Murphy (female) is 7 years old.  Bubba (male) is 6 years old
and Manson (male) is 3 years old.  Murphy and Bubba have been together all
their lives and cannot be separated.  Manson should be able to go to a new
home on his own.  They also have two cages and assorted ferret goodies and
don't want any money, only a good home.
Additionally, I heard from an e-mail friend in New York that has to give up
her two ferrets.  Randy (female) is 4 and Scooby (male) is three.  Both are
in good health.  If there's anyone in the New York/Conn./New Jersey area
that is interested, please let me know.  Or, if there's a shelter in any of
those states that is not at capacity and can take them, let me know that
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* Secretary, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* A 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation
* Shelter web site:
* Adrenal/Insulinoma web site:
[Posted in FML issue 2997]