I've been reading about the problems some of you are having getting
copies of Modern Ferret now that PetCo stopped carrying it.  The local
paper on Sunday wrote about a relatively new site called MegaMags.com
in Minneapolis.  They carry 8,000 magazines, and Modern Ferret was
specifically mentioned.  It was even first on a list of non-mass market
titles, (beating out American Cheerleader, Bus World, and Mountainfreak,
among others.) They charge cover prices, but I haven't looked at the site
yet, so I don't know if there are any shipping and/or handling costs
involved.  I also don't know whether they handle back issues yet, although
they plan to in the future.
Just so you don't have to retype it, try www.MegaMags.com.  It's showing up
blue here, so I hope it comes through as a link.
Diane Feder
[Posted in FML issue 2996]