Greetings all,
Does anyone have any experience with guardia my poor dear Goose has been
diagnosed with this problem?  Background on Goose.  I have had Goose since
9/99, he was a 4 pounder.  In January he started loosing some weight but
since he was going through a coat change I wasn't to alarmed.  His weight
continued to drop gradually and I noticed his stools were loose so I took
him to the vet towards the end of February.  (It seems like a long period
of time that elapsed before taking him to the vet but he didn't appear to
be loosing that much weight) The vet prescribed 0.5 ml 2 times daily of
Amoxicillin/Metronidazole.  Here we are in March and the problem is not
resolved and my Goose is just fading away.  I checked the archives and
found only 5 posts on guardia, one which said they used fenbendazole 0.4 cc
once a day, my vet gave me the fenbendazole but stated that it was for
worms and didn't see how it would help with the guardia.  So here I am
turning to the folks I should have asked to begin with, if anyone has any
info could you please send it ASAP.  I am sorry I have to post anon but I
am in a FFZ maybe BIG somehow can forward the replys to me if you don't
want to respond by FML.
Thanking everyone in advance.
Goose, Sam & Buck
[Moderator's note: Yes, I can forward for a few days.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2996]