Hello everybody-
My boyfriends ferret Sylvester, was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma, back in
October...currently he is on a small dosage of Pred (0.1ml every third
day).  He is doing quite well, especially since moving back in with his dad
(I watched him for five months recently).  I was wondering if anybody who
has dealt with a ferret with lymphosarcoma would be willing to share their
experience with me.  I have read up on all the factual information I could
find at various websites, but it's just not the same as speaking with
someone who has first hand experience.
Also I recently read in a book at the vets office that some people believe
that a cancer such as lymphosarcoma can be passed via a virus...I had never
heard of that before, and asked the vet, but he said there just isn't the
research around to prove that statement either way (I'm pretty sure that
was the jist of the answer)...but, it really worried me about the
possibility if Sly really does have lymphosarcoma (which I am not 100%
convinced that he does have it) of him passing the virus to our other
ferrets.  I hope someone out there has some experience with this.  Feel
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Thank you so much in advance!
Have a wonderful ferrety day!
[Posted in FML issue 2995]