Hi all
I have found a new hiding place and have moved all my stuff to it.  If dat
brother of mine comes around I will drag him til I wear da fur off him.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Odessa.  She waz met by
Happy.  She waz dragging a sleep sack.  I asked her where she got it and
she said she brought it with to be comfortable.  Her and Happy went off
talking about home and catching up on all da news.  She took her sack with
her and they were going to find a suitable place for it.  Of course they
had to stop by da Fruit Bar and get a snack on da way.  She said to tell
her mommy and Daddy dat she luved them and not to worry, dat Happy is here.
I looked up where BooBoo waz and found him at Hammock Haven sacked out on
hiz flannel shirt so I know he has dat.  I told him dat hiz mommy was
concerned about him.  I asked him about da Doll and he would not admit to
having it.  Of course he didn't say he didn't have it either.  I think he
does though.  A lot of ferrets here are closed mouthed about their stuff so
it doesn't get taken which I can understand from personal experience.  He
seemed comfortable and happy.  He said to tell hiz mommy not to worry dat
he is doing great.  He sends hiz luv and lots of hugs.
I think I will ask Booboo if I can share his flannel shirt for a while and
take a nap with him.  I luv dat flannel.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2994]