Had the weirdest thing happen yesterday.  I'd accidentally stepped on one
of their tube-tubes and Steve and I were talking about it.  I said,
"Ashling will d*mn me for it." when from the topmost level of the cage
hissing ensued.  We lifted the cover and Ashling was fast asleep, exhausted
from hours of good play, hissing!  The only thing that we can figure is
that maybe when she really messes up I might sometimes say, "Ashling, d*mn
it all!" and the similar word construct registered in her sleep -- either
that or one heck of a coincidence.
Scooter is very happy.  He's down to a thin weight for him for Spring -- no
real spare fat but loads of muscle and he jumps now.  Anyway, his current
weight means that he can fit into the smaller rodent balls instead of just
the giant one and he LOVES rocking himself so he's very happy about that.
BTW, speaking of rides, we have a physician's scale -- well, actually, it's
our scale having paid for it and all, but you know what I mean -- and the
bases of those have a little give to them.  Every single one of the ferrets
loves to get on it and then start shaking a bit to get it shimmying with
the ferret on top.  As a ride it's one of their favorites -- even better
usually than having me on all fours walking through the house with a ferret
on my back, and perhaps at a level with "towel drag", and "tube roll".
What rides do your family's guys enjoy?  (No Stewie time machines, please.)
Countdown to 3,000:  SIX!
[Posted in FML issue 2994]