Hello to all you wonderful people!
I have been a "lurker" here on the FML for over 5 months now, and since I
finally found five minutes of free time I decided to post to say hello.  I
was first introduced to ferrets through my boyfriend, Todd.  He currently
has two, Sylvester (probably five years old male MF) and Fivel (8 month
female MF).  I watched them for five months while he worked out of state
from Oct.  99 to Feb.  00.  When he came back, he realized how attached I
had gotten to them, and that I really wasn't very excited to be giving them
back.  But I had to, he's their dad afterall.  So, about three weeks ago,
he suprised me by giving me my own ferret, Oliver!  He is such a sweetie
and learning to get along with Sly and Fivel.  I take him over to play
often.  It is about a thirty minute dirve, and he is always so good.  He
just sits there in one of my mom's old cloth purses (they make great
carrying sacks!).
Thank you all for your wonderful posts each and every day.  I always look
forward to reading the list.  Our prayers go out to all the sick fuzzies.
Have a great weekend!
Jennifer & Oliver,
Todd, Sylvester & Fivel
[Posted in FML issue 2993]