A fellow FML'er, Beth, was visiting last night with her little boy who has
tourettes, add, and asthma.  They have a cute little girl named Jasmyn that
is the princes b*tch of the house LOL.  This is the same Beth that wrote
the funny story of her little boy guzzling down his ferret's feretone/olive
oil mix.  lol.
Well he was visiting last night and he and my boys were playing with the
ferrets.  His ferret dooks incessantly, but she does not demean herself
with thrashing antics, hissing, or he'heing.  Sean's Rocky does not dook
really, just grunts/honks, and he'hes all the time.  Well when Beth's son
Matthew was playing with Rocky who was he-heing, and hissing.
Matthew scooped him up and ran to his mother and said, "He's wheezing, mom!
He's got asthma.  We need an inhaler." Oh it was so adorable.  He was so
concerned.  This is especially touching as Matthew took better care of that
ferret than himself.  He goes into attacks all the time, and fails to come
to an adult..and ignores them.
I just wanted to share with you how ferrets affect yet another special
[Posted in FML issue 2993]