Is that what you save the Brawny for, Mary?  It seems to me, that for this
to be a proper contest, we need to factor in the dehydration rate of the
varied areas in which the participants live.  Also, are we talking about
'fresh' pick-ups, or picking up in the evening, what was put out in the
morning?  There are other variables as well.  Is it raining during the time
frame in which you are conducting your test?  If so, this may reduce the
number of pick ups you can get from one paper towel.
Do we want to all do this on the same day?  Say Wednesday of next week?
Maybe our contest could be incorporated as part of the 3000th issue
celebration.  Would photographing the event be considered appropriate?
This would give us yet another moment of levity when comparing our 'Issue
3000' photographs.
As for Mary's other question.  The greatest number of ferrets I have
adopted at one time is --- 1.
How about an adoption distance?  What is the greatest distance between
where you are and where your ferret came from?  I'm in Portland, OR, and my
first ferret came from Melbourne, FL, via Delta Dash.  Now Sam, you have to
be in your own catagory!  Whose 'Sam ferret' traveled the farthest from New
Georgia - who really needs that vacation!
[Posted in FML issue 2993]