Hello everyone.  I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all that
Charles is home and resting comfortably behind the sofa in his little bed
with his favorite rug (pink toilet seat cover) and his own teddy bear.  It
seems that now that this is all over I'm totally exhausted, mentally &
physically.  I just need a day or two to re-compose myself and I'll update
you all.  I DID email each and every person who emailed me personally and
sent donations.  Oh, Gosh, I hope I didn't miss anyone, I must've sent out
easily 20 emails every day for the last few days.  Everyone's support was
very much appreciated and I hope you aren't offended that I haven't updated
you in full.  I hope you understand.  And one more thing.  You have all
changed my life and touched my heart.
[Posted in FML issue 2993]