Marley is back home and doing great after surgery today.  I was told that
he would not have normal poops for three or four days, but it looks like it
always has (not that I enjoy staring at his poop).  He will be on amox for
14 days and gets his stitches removed in ten.
Now the tricky on earth do I keep him calm?  He already wants to
play and the others want at him too.  Dopey is going crazy because they are
such good buddies.  I am so relieved that I have three levels of cage space
that can be closed off - this is why I did this when we built it.  I took
the ramp out so that they wouldn't be banging on the doors to each level.
Cleo and Dopey are together with two levels and Marley is on bottom level.
He looks really funny!  I will have to get pictures of his haircut.  He is
no longer the blonde bombshell, but at least he will have less discomfort
in his backside (no more impacted glands).  I look forward to a
sweeter-smelling furkid!
Well, I hope he continues to amaze me with his recovery.  It is kind of
early to know this for sure.  He appears to have forgiven me for this but
now I get to clean his backside with wet wipes - oh joy!  I knew he would
get revenge (lol)!
Dooks to you and yours!
[Posted in FML issue 2977]