Hi there; my name is Christie Webster and I have a unique situation...
my husband and I are from Derby Kansas and he has recently gotten a job
with Microsoft, and we will be moving to Irving, Texas in about two weeks.
Our "situation" is (are) our fifteen ferts; moving from the Wichita area
down to the Dallas/Ft.Worth area is going to be quite a haul for them.  We
are hoping to find someone in the OK.  area to help us get them to Texas-
then we are hoping to find someone who can help us get them to Irving.
Microsoft plans to fly us out there and move our stuff seperately; so we
won't be able to take them with us.  I plan to copy this letter to the FML
as per Troy Lynn Eckart's suggestion to tender my plea for help.  We don't
have much time, and we don't know what else to do.
Currently, we do not have a phone; we are in the process of selling our
home and packing our belongings, and we are worried about our 'kids'.  If
you or anyone you know is able to/would be willing to help us in this
situation, we would be very grateful.  Troy Lynn has offered to be the
go-between for us and the ferretwise population; please contact her if you
could possibly help or have any ideas on how we could possibly acchieve
Bill, I don't know how to get this to the actual digest; Troy Lynn
suggested that I contact the list to see if anybody could help us with the
kids.  We don't at this time have continuous internet access, so if ya'll
could contact her Miles and I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you for
your consideration.
This letter was originally sent to "[log in to unmask] :which is a =
ferret shelter in San Antonio.. which I think is near our destination.
[Posted in FML issue 2993]