Ok folks, after having ferrets for about 3 years now I have just now seen
something I never have before and therefore I am a bit worried.  Simon, my
5 month old wet the bed.  I have had him for about a month now.  He is a
big, beautiful Light Sable who is bigger than his full grown sister
already.  I got home yesterday and packed everything up so we could go over
to my boyfriends house.  I got Simon out and gave him his usual hug and
kiss, and then realized he really smelled.  Not until then did I realize
how wet he was.  His back legs and tail were covered, along with one of his
front legs.  All I can figure is that he was curled up sleeping and had an
accident.  So I wiped him down, and when I got to the house I let my
boyfriends daughter bath the kids.  He was fine this morning when I got him
up, and this was the first time I've noticed this.  Ok folks, serious
question.....is this something I need to worry about, or is it an adolecent
thing (at 5 months he's not a baby anymore, but not an adult either) or
something else???
Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much, and I'm sure the bed wetter ferret and his sister who
shares his hammock thank you too.
[Posted in FML issue 2992]