Greetings!  We are new slaves to our first fuzzbutt, Quazimodo, and thought
we had done our homework, until reading ferret mailing lists!!  We have
been feeding Quazi kitten food, per online info, but now realize we need to
find specific ferret food, and as we are in Forster, NSW, need any fellow
aussie's in our area to tell us where to find it, and all the other ferret
goodies, as our pet shop is totally lacking.  Also, what is the info on
using benedryl...We have seen it mentioned as pretreatment for shots, as
well as using it in suspected insect bite reactions.  What type, dosage
etc.  Another new worry, after reading about airborne illnesses, is that
we are native wildlife carers, and currently have a brushtail possum, hand
reared from hairless, and although we don't let them have contact, they do
play in the same rooms at different times....any danger there?  Ok..thats
enough to start with...back to more reading and worry!!  =o)
thanks in advance for any advice!!!
Craig, Kathi and Quazi
[Posted in FML issue 2992]