Am I the only one who experiences affection biting?  Let me back up.
Gracie, my perfect lady, doesn't bite at all.  Never.  Wikkit nips when
we play rough with him, which he greatly enjoys.  He "attacks" my hands
but his teeth never quite catch the skin.  In fact, when we first got him
we thought ferrets didn't really have much in the way of jaw muscles (!)
because the bites were so light.  He's a little more vicious when I have
my hands covered with my sleeves, but not badly.  (Oh, yeah, he *loves* to
attack Glenn's feet under the covers -- not mine, just his.)
But George is a different story.  Last night he was licking my fingers,
nibbling and so on, which I allowed because it didn't hurt and he wasn't
getting too rough.  Then suddenly he chomped right down and the fleshy part
of my lower arm, just before the elbow, and shook his head like the dickens
-- which is the part that really hurt.  He also bites (without shaking)
when he thinks he's not getting enough attention, but this is the first
time he ever drew blood.  Otherwise he's a very passive, sweet tempered
ferret.  I don't think he even does it maliciously, he just seems to get
carried away with the licking.  The time outs have helped a lot, I just
wondered if anyone else had the same problem.
Incidentally, he's also the only one who will eat anything other than
kibble -- and really doesn't seem to enjoy the kibble too much.  Is this
an indication that he may need food that's a little more lively?
[Posted in FML issue 2977]