>From:    Corrie <>
>Subject: More on ferrets with cats
>Hi.  my name is Corrie.  My situation is the other way.  In Noivember I
>brought home a kitten, I already had 6 ferrets.  I kept the kitten and
>ferrets seperate until Misty, the cat, was declawed just in case.
Hi, Corrie,
This is not meant as a flame but rather an opportunity to educate people
about declawing.  Please, don't read a "tone of voice" into this.  Please
note that I did not call anyone names and this is not just MY personal
opinion... this is backed by hundreds, if not thousands (more likely
millions) of vets worldwide.
Please don't take this as a flame but I would NEVER, EVER recommend
declawing a cat "just in case".  Cats are born with claws for a reason...
it is part of their anatomy and is their main defense mechanism.  Most
cats, when declawed, being deprived of their main defense, often become
biters (as an alternative).  Furthermore, declawing does not translate to
removing "just the claw"... each toe is amputated at the first knuckle and
it is very painful and the cat must learn to walk again.  Also, claws are
used to climb out of danger (i.e., climb trees, fences, etc).  When a cat
is declawed, it can no longer climb out of harm's way and thus becomes more
defensive as a means of self-preservation nor can it hunt.  Regardless of
whether it is an "indoor" cat, it is cruel to deprive an animal of it's
defenses.  Declawing causes psychological damage.
>But now they get along fine.  The ferrets like to chase and nip at Misty,
>who lets out with a yell, but she loves it.
If she "lets out a yell", my bet is that she does NOT "love" it.  She just
can't fend them off.
Did you consider "detoothing" the ferrets in order to protect the cat??
Kind of a ridiculous suggestion, isn't it?  So is declawing a cat.  Why did
you get a kitten to begin with if you were going to be so concerned about
the safety of the ferrets?  I have EIGHT cats and five ferrets and none of
either species had to be altered, mutilated, de-anythinged.  All of my
animals get along just fine and so can anyone elses.
I highly encourage anyone who is considering declawing their cat to choose
your favorite search engine and search for "declawing cats" and see what
the veterinary profession REALLY thinks of it.  It is a heinous, inhumane,
and cruel procedure.
Here is a great URL to read the truth about declawing:
Why is the United States is just about the only country in the world where
declawing is legal?
Looking for some ferret people in your area?  Then check out the
                                       FML Where List at:
                         And the Shelter/Rescue and Club List at:
[Posted in FML issue 2992]