Dooks to all!
I MUST put my two cents in regarding the declawing of cats.  First of all,
declawing or removing animal nails involves cutting off the first segment
of each "finger" or "toe" on that animal.  This is basically, as I see it,
disabling and mutilating the animal.
I agree with michelle, if you declaw a cat JUST to make the ferret
comfortable, that is wrong.  You do not deprive one person/animal/thing
just so you can enjoy another.  That is not fair to the deprived animal.
Besides, Mr. Ferrito usually terrorizes Ernie the Cat anyway.  I usually
end up having to rescue the cat from the ferret.  Or Ernie will saunter
away and give the ferret the cold shoulder.  Now I will let you know that
Ernie is a MOUSING cat.  This means that if it is small and moves, he will
pounce.  He and Mr. Ferrito have been getting along famously and I do not
worry about them playing and exploring on their own.
Please people, do not assume that the ONLY way to have a cat and a ferret
together must include the harming of the cat.  It does not!
Sorry  *stands down from her soap box*
Mr. Ferrito/Ernie the Cat/me
[Posted in FML issue 2992]