Hi All,
I'm new at this so please bear with me.  I've read alot of debate about
Iams and what food to feed.  I have a strong suggestion!  Don't feed one
food, feed a mix of several different kinds of kitten food and or ferret
food.  ALL FOOD CHANGES.  If your ferret is on one food all it's life,
then the food is not made or hanges, they probably won't eat properly.
I had that happen to me several years again with Science diet.  I had nine
ferrets stop eating and losing alot of weight.  Several hundred dollars in
vet bills I found out the food changed and my ferrets didn't like it one
little bit.
Now I feed a mix of at least three or four different go high quality kitten
foods.  Now I can use coupons,not run to several stores if my store is out,
or add a new food with no problems.  The more verity the better they seem
to like it.
I run a shelter for over ten years and take care of an average of 80
ferret, also have dogs,cats and birds.  I mix all of their food, all doing
great, my oldest ferret was 13, I have one 11 more, and at least 6 at 9 &
10 years old.  Try it you'll like what you see!
Good Ferret Day
Shelter Mom
[Posted in FML issue 2992]