>From:    Debbi Searing <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: food and stuff
>With all the info going around on Proctor and Gamble and Iams, I'm gonna
>add my two cents' worth.  I buy Iams now, but with the P&G takeover, I'm
>not so sure about this anymore.  Are you all aware that P&G is one of the
>few companies that still tests on animals, including ferrets?  They have
>been under pressure from PETA and other animal rights' groups to stop, but
>so far, no go.  I'm not so sure I want to support a company that tests on
>the very kind of animals I keep as pets.
That is interesting - could you please identify what kind of animal testing
P&G is doing?  Which divisions of P&G are doing animal testing, and for
what products?  What is the independent source of your information?  By
independent, I mean someone other than PeTA - the reliability of any
organization that espouses college students drink more beer and boycott
milk is questionable at best.
[Posted in FML issue 2992]