With all the info going around on Proctor and Gamble and Iams, I'm gonna
add my two cents' worth.  I buy Iams now, but with the P&G takeover, I'm
not so sure about this anymore.  Are you all aware that P&G is one of the
few companies that still tests on animals, including ferrets?  They have
been under pressure from PETA and other animal rights' groups to stop, but
so far, no go.  I'm not so sure I want to support a company that tests on
the very kind of animals I keep as pets.
And I have also read a lot of people asking about this that and the other
treat, like bananas, raisins, fig newtons, etc. so I have to comment on this.
I love Twinkies, my daughter loves little white powdered sugar donuts, but
we don't eat them to the point we get fat.  I don't understand why people
take care of themselves okay (usually) but then are proud of their fat
little animals, as if having a pudgy pet means you love them more.  I
hardly ever give my ferrets treats, and if I do, it's ferretone or
ferretvite, maybe the occasional raisin or Kix cereal (as in once a month).
They eat food, they don't need all the junk--same as us humans.  There is a
great book by Dr. Martin Goldstein, DVM, called The Nature of Animal
Healing (for those of you that require references!) that addresses this
issue.  Please think of your pet's health over your pleasure when you give
them all these treats--which is better, a happy healthy pet with a better
chance at a longer life or the brief joy you get out of stuffing their
mouths with something sweet and fattening?
Please take this as the concerned manner it's meant, not to be offending.
[Posted in FML issue 2991]